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Weight Loss Program with our Science Nutritionist

Program built on the basis of information collected in an interview with the person concerned.


About Weight Loss Program with our Science Nutritionist

Nutritian coach Chanah Chalska is the principal consultant at Botaniqua Skin Care Clinic. She offers clients personalised nutrition coaching programs, which in combination with a specially tailored set of treatments, bring powerful results in shaping the figure, as well as improving health and helping to maintain the effects of treatments long after they have been completed.

Chanah’s eductiaon includes Stanford University in the field of Nutrition and Science which allowed her to understand not only dietary programs, but also the principles and chemical reactions at the level of the body cell as well as the role of vitamins and trace elements in shaping diets.
She takes advantage of the gained knowledge which combined with hear vast experience and the latest technological advances benefits her customers.

The key to maintaining health and beauty in our organism is the balance between consumed and supplied energy from food, vitamins and minerals, and our lifestyle. A very important element of balance is also physical rest and mental state of ourselves. You should care for these two conditions equally.

Weight Loss

In order for the chemical processes taking place in our body to help us maintain our weight and not lead to devastation of our health, it is not only necessary to provide the body with basic nutrients such as proteins, fats and sugars, as well as vitamins and minerals, and it is important to remember about the balance that should be considered in our daily diet. You should also remember to drink water every day, at least 2 liters each day.

Good Mood

In order not to leave us in a good mood, pay attention to what we eat and in what quantities and the quality of the food we buy.

We should pay attention whether the processed food we buy is not most of the food we eat. You should also remember about to drink water every day and avoid

Body Chemistry

Our body is what we eat. Therefore, what nutrition we provide our body with in our body occurs a whole series of chemical reactions, related to each other, the final product of which we are ourselves and our bodies and well-being.


Real beauty begins with understanding our body's biochemistry.

What does it mean?

Body’s biochemistry is strongly linked to the nutritional needs of our bodies. Nutrition is the critical part of health as well as physical and spiritual development. Better eating habits are related to improved health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease) and longevity.

At Botaniqua we help you understand your body’s needs by creating a personalised nutrition plan - NutriPlan. Before preparing NutriPlan, we will in depth analyse your medical history, nutritional preferences, your lifestyle, your health goals and the reason for the diet change. By listening and personalising the experience we are able to make sure that the nutrition plan is well adjusted and alined with your requirements.

This will take about 2 hours 30 minutes.

After getting acquainted, gathering all the essential information and making sure we know your needs, we will prepare individual Nutrition Program for you.

Nutritional coaching with Botaniqua’s specialist, Chanah, creates long-term results and imparts expertise on how to nourish and care for your body longterm.

To empower the positive change in our body - spreading the knowledge from our specialist to you.

Weight Loss Program with our Science Nutritionist pricing

One week2 hours£495
Two weeks4 hours£850
One month8 hours£1600
Additional session£395


How will Nutrition Coaching help me?

The end product is ourselves: our bodies and well-being. The effects of implementing the principles of nutritional coaching are the loss of unnecessary kilograms and a good mood.

What does the Nutrition Coaching Program look like?

We meet and talk, and then we create a plan for your treatment. Finally, it's time to start working on your skin!

How much does a Nutrition Coaching Program cost?

The price depends on the coaching package. The price list is available on our website.